Saturday, June 7, 2014

1.44" TFT LCD Display 128x128


   TFT   |     AVR
LED         3V3 (or PWM)
SCK         SCL pin
SDA         MOSI pin
A0(DC/RS)   whatever
RESET       whatever
CS          whatever
GND         GND
VCC (J2)    3V3

Sumotoy developped his library with a chinese TFT who had an offset (see his notes). Mine didn't have such offset and when using his library, my screen displayed 32 lines of garbage:

To correct this the header must be changed: either create a new type of screen (along with the already coded __144_RED_PCB__ and __22_RED_PCB__) with an __OFFSET of 0, or change the __OFFSET value inside the #if defined(__144_RED_PCB__) to 0.


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  2. We are Blaze Display Technology, a Chinese company with 38 years of experience in MANUFACTURE and SALES of LCD, TFT and OLED displays with ISO9001 and RoHS certificates. I have seen on your website that your company uses displays that are in our catalog, offering you all kinds of advantages in relation to quality price.

    Sincerely yours, Sofia.

    Sophia Wen | Sales Representative

    Website: |

    Mobile phone: +86 13662684424| Office phone: +86 755-8652-4100 ext. 8504

    Headquarters: 7D, HSAE tech building, Hi-tech park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China, 518057

    LCD Module Factory: 4/F, block A, Antaida Hi-tech park, Shatian town, Huiyang district, Huizhou, Guangdong, China

    LCD Panel & Backlight Factory: Blaze industry park, Shinao industry city, Gao'an, Jiangxi, China, 330818

    Blaze Display is a professional LCD displays researcher, designer and manufacturer in China
